Protection is one of the essential things in the world today. There are many ways you can protect yourself from germs, dirt, and chemical spillage. One such method is by wearing gloves.
For those who work in the medical field, or do anything related to science, this is not new. It is one of the safety precautions in the medical area always to wear gloves.
However, of all the gloves around, the most common ones in these fields are latex gloves. The reason for this would probably be due to comfort. And the silkiness and ability of the latex gloves to not absorb liquid.
However, these latex gloves are for single use. The reason being that they come in contact with a lot of unwanted materials. Even if they are still intact, reusing them would defeat the primary purpose of being protective wears.
So, the likely result is that you throw them away after the first use. But what happens to them after this? What impact do they have on the environment we live in? This post settles all your questions as they concern latex gloves.
Dive in for more.
Can You Recycle Latex Gloves?
If you are wondering if latex gloves are recyclable, the straight answer is No. Many recycling centers do not accept this. While we do not precisely know the reasons for this, it probably would be because of the rubber material and the use.
Many people use latex gloves to keep dangerous or unwanted materials off their hands. They carry a lot of germs and unwanted materials. And this might just be why recycling them may be an issue for the recycling center.
The best option here is to toss your latex gloves in the waste bin after you use them. Don’t worry about ending up in landfills. We will talk about this later when we consider whether latex gloves are biodegradable.
But, for now, always remember that latex gloves are not recyclable.
Are Latex Gloves Biodegradable?
Since we have established that latex gloves are not recyclable, you are probably disturbed by another question. Are latex gloves biodegradable? As someone conscious about the environment, this is the right question to ask. You can trust us to have the answer. So, let’s not waste time with it.
Yes, latex gloves are biodegradable. This is a plus for the environment. Since you cannot recycle them, at least you can be sure that they are biodegradable.
Latex gloves and all other latex materials come from the sap of rubber trees. Although latex gloves are not 100 percent rubber materials, they are still mostly biodegradable.
So, don’t worry too much about the environmental impact of latex gloves. They will eventually biodegrade. If you still want to know how long it would take for latex gloves to biodegrade, follow through. We have explained it below.
Are Latex Gloves Compostable?
One thing you need to keep in mind is that latex materials are not human-made. They all – at least the better part of them – come from natural sources. And that is from the sap of rubber trees. So, this makes them suitable for some natural use also.
Due to this, it is safe to put your latex gloves in the compost bin. They would make good compost for you. For better results and faster breaking down, you can cut them into pieces or shred them. This would allow them to decompose quickly.
However, you have to note things when deciding to put your latex gloves in the compost bin.
You would recall that compost’s primary use is to keep chemicals, germs, or dirt away from our hands. What this means is that all the unwanted and possible dangerous materials settle on the gloves. Due to this, you should never immediately put your latex gloves in the compost bin after use without disinfecting.
It depends on what you have used your latex gloves for. If you have only used it to keep dirt away from your hand, then you can wash it. You can wash it before you pull the gloves off your hands.
What you need to do is get some liquid soap and wash your hands for about twenty seconds. Since you still have your gloves on, you can increase the temperature of the water. But be careful so that you maintain a water temperature that won’t be adverse to the gloves. You only need enough temperature to kill the germs that might still be lurking around the latex gloves.
After this, you can remove the gloves and leave them to dry. You can then cut into pieces before putting them in your compost bin.
For other latex gloves that you used while dealing with chemical substances, you need to be sure that it is safe. Please, confirm that the chemical is not dangerous for your compost bin.
If they all are dangerous, avoid putting them in the compost bin. If they are not dangerous, you can put them in the compost bin. But you must wash them. This way, no chemical would enter the compost bin. Remember that it is better to be safe than sorry.
Now, you know that making compost out of latex gloves is possible. Now, you need to check the safety box first. You don’t want to spend time making compost for your plants and then regretting it probably because some chemicals leached into the compost and killed your garden plants.
Can You Recycle Rubber Gloves?
Gloves do not only come in latex materials; there are in other materials too. One of such is the rubber materials. And yeah, there are rubber gloves.
However, unlike latex gloves that are not recyclable, you can recycle rubber gloves. This, pretty much, gives you a reassurance that not all gloves end up in the waste bin.
So, you can save up your rubber gloves and put them in the recycling bin. However, do well to put them in a small paper or polythene bag and ensure you seal the bag.
There is still another good news. If reusing your rubber gloves count as recycling for you, then you have enough things to do with rubber gloves.
In your home, you can put them to a different use. Since rubber gloves are non-slip, you can use them to brace many home items from falling off. An example is your mop stick. You can tie a piece of rubber gloves to the handle edge. This is so that it doesn’t fall off when you place it on the wall.
You can also use them to open very tight lids. We can’t possibly exhaust what you use your rubber gloves for; you need to be creative with it.
Are Latex Gloves Bad for the Environment?
If we take an honest poll about this, many people will answer in the affirmative. The exciting thing is that they are not wrong. But, it’s a tricky question, especially if you consider that latex gloves are biodegradable. Well, let’s explain the whole thing to you.
You would recall that latex gloves are not recyclable. And because of what people use them for, many throw them away. That’s where the problem is.
Latex gloves often end up in waste bins and finally litter landfills. Though some people have said that they are biodegradable, and this is true. But they take time before they completely biodegrade. Before this occurs, they pose a danger to the environment.
If it rains heavily, the flood could wash them from landfills into oceans or other unwanted places. Fish or different marine life could eat them and die from that. Animals on land could also eat them. They are also dangerous to some plants and even the soil.
Again, since latex materials come from the sap of rubber trees, we can say they pose a danger to the environment this way. If the planting of rubber trees is not sustainable, this could become a problem for the environment.
Aside from these, latex gloves are not 100 percent rubber materials. Other materials and chemicals come together in the process of making the latex gloves. While we can say that latex gloves will eventually biodegrade, we can’t speak of the other materials.
These other materials could contain toxic chemicals that could leach to the environment and harm aquatic or land animals. They could also reduce the fertility of the soil and endanger plants.
In the end, always remember that many people use latex gloves to keep away so many things. Things that they consider dangerous to their body. After use, they throw the latex gloves away. These dangerous materials remain on them and could also be hazardous to the environment.
How Long Does It Take Latex Gloves to Decompose?
The answer to this question is as important as knowing whether latex gloves are biodegradable. Of course, we have stated that latex gloves are biodegradable, but how long does this take.
One thing you should know is that this doesn’t happen overnight. And, unlike paper materials, this doesn’t happen in weeks too. Averagely, it takes 5years for latex gloves to decompose in the right situation.
This tells you that you should slow down on our use of latex gloves. Even though they would end up decomposing, that doesn’t happen overnight. And they could pose a danger to the environment pending they decompose entirely.
What Can I Do with Used Latex Gloves?
Sometimes, wanting to be creative with different home items might be going too far. People use latex materials creatively, but you should slow down with latex gloves.
The reason for this is simple. The primary objective of latex gloves is to protect you from germs, dirt, chemicals, and unwanted materials.
After using them, many of these unwanted materials remain in the latex gloves. If you begin to put them to creative use, you may be recycling germs and toxic chemicals for yourself. This is dangerous to your health and that of your loved ones.
The best thing to do after using latex gloves is to dispose of them properly. Or put them in your compost bin after adequately getting rid of the toxic chemicals that might be on it.
You have learned about latex gloves and how they affect the environment. The only thing left for you is to begin to put everything you have learned into practice. If you must use latex gloves, you must dispose of them properly. This is very important for the environment. And don’t forget to enlighten your friends and colleagues on the proper use of latex gloves. Spread the right words, save the environment.