Dishwasher — who doesn’t appreciate this hardworking kitchen appliance? Gone are the days when relishing a delightful meal had to always conclude with the dreaded task of handwashing the dishes — a chore globally hated!
With a dishwasher, every feast no longer has to end with wet and soapy hands — with just a press of a button, you can have all your dishes impeccably clean in a fraction of the usual time.
But then, like any other appliance, understanding the energy consumption of dishwashers is essential.
So, how many amps does a dishwasher use?
Simply put, an average home dishwasher will use 8 to 15 amps when connected to a 120-volt outlet. Amps drawn will vary by brand, model, and the voltage you’re using. Knowing how many amps the model you’re eyeing (or already have) uses will ensure you correctly set it up to avoid short circuits or fire damage.
So yes, 8 to 15 amps at 120 volts. But we just don’t want to leave you lost in this ambiguity. So, in today’s coverage, we will dive deep into the energy requirements of dishwashers, brand after brand, providing clarity.
Let’s jump in!
How Many Amps Does a Bosch Dishwasher Use?
Bosch Dishwasher uses anywhere between 10 and 15 amps connected on a 120-volt circuit. The actual amperage depends on the wattage of the model you get and the setting you use. For instance, the Bosch® 800 Series 24″ dishwasher is a 1440-watt model, meaning it has an amperage of 12 running at maximum settings.
You see, the amperage of a dishwasher isn’t fixed — even for appliances of the same brand. Instead, it differs with the model, setting, and voltage you get.
If you’re going for a Bosch model, then congratulations. Bosch is a decent brand known for quiet yet top-notch quality appliances.
In fact, some models come with exceptional features like a water softener, an EasyGlide system, the option for extra drying, and the ability to detect leaks so you can deal with them without further delay.
Speaking of power consumption, some Bosch models are more powerful and can run at 1800 watts, others as low as 1200 watts.
One thing worth noting, however, is that the wattage indicated on the appliance label is for when running the unit on maximum setting. In other words, if you have an 1800-watt dishwasher, it will draw 1800 watts per hour when running at full setting.
That means the amperage you get from your calculation is the maximum current amount a unit can draw.
Hence, when we say that the Bosch® 800 Series 24″ dishwasher is a 1440-watt unit and has an amperage of 12 amps, we mean it will draw 12 amps when running at the full setting of 1440 watts, which doesn’t have to be the case all the time.
Here’s the formula for calculating amps:
Amperage = Wattage / Voltage
Where wattage is 1440 watts and Voltage 120;
Amperage = 1440/120
= 12 amps
Notice that when you switch to a 240-volt outlet, the amperage will reduce to just 6 amps. But note that the new amperage doesn’t mean the unit consumes less power, and that’s because wattage is the unit of measuring power consumption and not amperage.
How Many Amps Does a Whirlpool Dishwasher Use?
Most Whirpool dishwashers have a wattage range of between 1200 and 1800, just like Bosch dishwashers. If using a 120-volt outlet, that’s 10 to 15 amps, respectively, depending on the exact model and the setting you choose.
Whirlpool remains one of the top brands out there regarding quality appliances. It’s best known for fingerprint-resistant appliances, so Whirlpool dishwashers are easy to clean and maintain impeccably clean.
These appliances are also budget-friendly, easy to operate for first-timers, and relatively noiseless, making the brand a go-to option for anyone who relishes serenity in their space.
Of course, Whirlpool dishwashers have many bells and whistles you’re less likely to find in other brands. But then, that doesn’t mean they consume more power, as the amperage is still under 15 amps when the unit is connected to a 120-volt outlet.
How Many Amps Does a KitchenAid Dishwasher Use?
Unlike with the previous options where amperage differs widely between models within the same brand, the amperage of most KitchenAid dishwashers is 15 amps. Of course, that’s at 120 volts, translating to 1800 watts.
That means if you want a KitchenAid model, whether the KDTM604KBS, KDTM704KPS or any other brand, ensure that you size your circuit breaker correctly — as we will cover later on — for everything to run smoothly.
But of course, keep in mind that the amperage of 15 isn’t cast in stone. In other words, your model may need more or less of this depending on individual specifications and other factors that affect power consumption, like appliance settings.

How Many Amps Does a Maytag Dishwasher Use?
In most cases, Maytag dishwashers are 15-amp units at 120 volts. In other words, these appliances will consume 1800 watt-hours (Wh) of power for every 1 hour you run them on full settings. Lower and smaller appliances may consume less, while giant versions may need over 1800 watts at maximum setting.
So, as you can see, the power consumption of Maytag dishwasher doesn’t differ from that of Bosch, Whirlpool, and KitchenAid. That means if you initially had one of these brands, you won’t need to ramp up the size of your breaker when bringing in a new model from a different brand.
And whatever dishwasher you’re using, remember that ideally, water should be 120°F as it enters the dishwasher. This temperature helps dissolve grease and activate some of the ingredients in the detergent for the best outcome.
But then, keep in mind that too much of something is dangerous. So, don’t overheat the water beyond 120°F. Above this point, it becomes harder for the dishwasher to remove some food residue and for some ingredients in the soap to work.
How Many Amps Does an LG Dishwasher Use?
LG dishwashers usually have a wattage of 1600 to 1900. That means if you’re going for an average LG dishwasher, it will draw 13 to 16 amps at maximum setting, depending on the specific model you choose.
The LG DFB325HS is an example of a 1600-watt dishwasher, translating to 13.3 amps connected to a 120-volt outlet. The LG D1452WF, on the other hand, is a case in point for models with a higher amperage draw of 16 amps, thanks to its higher wattage of 1900 watts.
Of course, the difference in wattage doesn’t mean the two dishwashers differ significantly in features. Not at all. In fact, they share most of the features, ranging from the signature QuadWash technology to delayed start, ultra-quiet design, and many others to make your dish-washing chore more enjoyable than boring.
How Many Amps Does a Kenmore Dishwasher Use?
Kenmore dishwashers use 10 to 15 amps when running on a 120-volt outlet. These appliances consume 1200 to 1800 watts of power, which is still within the same range as other top brands.
But as you can see, the power requirements between Kenmore models differ widely, so you may need to pay more attention to the wattage of the unit you intend to buy than when going for any other brand.
The difference in wattage emanates from the feature variation, although most features cut across almost all the models belonging to the brand.
But generally, Kenmore dishwashers are energy-saving, easy to use, durable, and do their job perfectly. The noise level, however, ranges at about 50 dB, so they may not match the 45 dB you get in LG models.
How Many Amps Does a Frigidaire Dishwasher Use?
The amperage draw of Frigidaire dishwashers will depend on the size of the appliance. Smaller 18-inch dishwashers will draw 8.5 amps connected to a 120-volt outlet, while the more prominent 24-inch counterparts will use 10 amps connected to the same outlet.
Hence, for an average 18 or 24-inch, using a 15-amp circuit breaker should suffice. However, if going for an oversized model, you must get a larger circuit breaker to keep it from tipping whenever you turn on your dishwasher.
And since a Frigidaire dishwasher is relatively expensive, use an appropriate direct circuit for it. Even better, you may preserve the lifespan of your investment by preventing short circuits.
Can a Dishwasher and Refrigerator be on the Same Circuit?
Yes, you can run a dishwasher and refrigerator on the same circuit, although it is preferable not to. Let them have their dedicated circuit. Get a 15 to 20-amp circuit for each unit, depending on their individual wattage.
As already seen, most dishwashers require 10 to 15 amps of power. For a 10-amp appliance, a 15-amp circuit should do. However, for a 15-amp unit, get a larger breaker, preferably a 20 or 30-amp.
Why? Because as per the National Electric Code, a breaker should be 125% larger than the continuous load. The additional 25% helps handle any surges to avoid tripping the breaker.
That means if you have a 10-amp dishwasher, the code requires you to have a 12.5-amp breaker to run it safely. But since that size is not available, the best thing to do is get the next larger size available. A 15-amp dishwasher would need an 18.75-amp breaker going by the same Code, which is where a 20-amp breaker comes in.
Now, running your dishwasher on the same circuit as your refrigerator is possible as long as you have a larger one that can accommodate their power needs. However, in most cases, it’s not recommended.
You see, most electrical appliances that feature a motor, for instance, your fridge and dishwasher, have high power needs on startup. Sometimes, it can be up to 10 times their usual consumption.
This means even if you have a larger circuit breaker, the chances of the amperage draw exceeding the headroom are very high, which may cause your breaker to trip or even attract other electrical issues. For this reason, having a dedicated circuit for your refrigerator and dishwasher is highly recommended.
Does a Dishwasher Use a Lot of Electricity?
Yes and no. A dishwasher can consume less or more power than other appliances around your home. On average, a dishwasher consumes about 1200 to 1800 watts, a similar amount of energy needed by a typical electric kettle.
So, on average, expect your dishwasher to use about 1500 watts of power for every hour you use it. That’s much more than what you need for modern refrigerators, washing machines, and microwaves but much less than the power consumption of dryers, air conditioners, and electric ovens.
To help you get a clearer picture of the power consumption of dishwashers, we’ve provided a list detailing the average wattage for common household appliances. Let’s take a look:
Appliance | Wattage |
Dishwasher | 1200 to 1800 |
Electric Kettle | 1500 |
Refrigerator | 350 to 800 |
Washing machine | 850 |
Dryer | 1800 to 6000 |
Electric Oven | 2000 to 5000 |
Microwave | 800 to 1000 |
Air Conditioner | 3000 to 3500 |
TV | 50 to 200 |
Iron box | 800 to 2000 |
Coffee maker | 550 to 1500 |
Rice Cooker | 300 to 700 |
Toaster | 700 to 1500 |
As you can see on the table, we can’t say that dishwashers are the most energy-efficient appliances in your home. But then, it still would be unfair to name them among energy hogs like ACs and electric ovens.
Usually, dishwashers share the same power range as the iron box and electric kettle — not too high, not low either. Remember that the indicated wattage always shows power consumption when a unit is running at the maximum setting. In other words, don’t be surprised when your 1800-watt dishwasher uses as little as 1200 watts.
Knowing how many amps your dishwasher consumes will help you better manage your energy consumption. This is good not only for your pockets but also for the environment.
This blog post has reviewed the number of amps the average dishwasher uses. We have also discussed the energy consumption of seven popular dishwasher brands in the United States. If you haven’t bought yours yet, one of those above will satisfy your financial and household needs.