Author: Rinkesh


  • Rinkesh

    A true environmentalist by heart ❤️. Founded Conserve Energy Future with the sole motto of providing helpful information related to our rapidly depleting environment. Unless you strongly believe in Elon Musk‘s idea of making Mars as another habitable planet, do remember that there really is no 'Planet B' in this whole universe.

Do Deer Eat Dahlias? (Not Favorites)

With their bright and large flowers, dahlias attract many pests. Grasshoppers, snails, and slugs are examples of common garden critters ... Read more →...

Do Deer Eat Tulips? (Of Course!)

Deer are opportunistic feeders who will eat any type of plant if they’re struggling to find food. But there are ... Read more →...

Do Deer Eat Zinnias? (No. They Won’t)

The prolific and brightly colored blossoms that zinnias produce instantly enlighten any outdoor space. In fact, these beautiful and popular ... Read more →...