Best Ways for a Business to Choose a Green Water Filtration System

No one really thinks about where a restaurant gets its water or how a processing plant filters its water. Commercial water filtration is a very important topic many types of businesses must consider. There may be local laws that the business or the plant is required to comply with. Also, many companies now have green policies that demand more eco-friendly water filtration systems.

Despite what many managers may think, it’s not that difficult to choose the right type of water filtration system for a business. It depends on the application and the needs of the business. It’s also important to note that there are niche types of needs that should be considered when buying a commercial water filtration system. For example, the water-hogging food industry may have to choose between different types of chemicals, microns, filtration type, formula or rate depending on whether one is running a restaurant, an eatery or a food packaging plant. There are several industrial water treatment companies that market to these niche groups.

Different Types of Water Filtration Systems

The engineering details of processed water treatment should be left to the scientists. However, businesses should be aware of the different types of water filtration systems. There are several types, of course, and there could be various sub categories under these types. Let’s consider the most common types of water filtration systems.

Carbon Filtration

This is a very common type of filtration system used mainly in the food processing and service industry. Carbon filtration is quite popular because it’s suitable for many different types of needs, and also because it’s quite economical. Carbon is naturally very adept at absorbing microscopic impurities in water. There are different ways carbon is used in filtration systems. Some have a carbon layer through which water is filtered, and others use carbon as sediment to catch impurities as water rushes through. Density of carbon will differ between systems. The denser the carbon is, the better it will catch smaller debris.


Chloramine is a chemical that kills harmful microbes in water. Chloramine works like chlorine, but is more potent than the latter. Also, chloramine is quite expensive and is used mainly by large food processing plants. Some cities in the U.S. have replaced chlorine with chloramines. However, this is not an environmentally friendly option because chloramine in large amounts can be toxic to animals.

Scale Inhibition

This is a rather expensive method that removes hard minerals from water. The process is rather complicated, and is only suitable for very large businesses or factories.

Ultra Violet Rays

This is a super popular method of filtration used to kill bacteria and viruses in water. Essentially, it sterilizes water on a microscopic level. No chemicals are needed. The downside of this method is that it does not actually filter water, so minerals or physical debris may remain.

Reverse Osmosis

If you remember osmosis from science class, it’s how a solvent moves naturally from low concentration levels to high concentration levels through a semi-permeable membrane until both sides have equal concentration levels. Reverse osmosis is the opposite of this done under application of pressure. This is a good method to get rid of debris, hard metals or minerals in water to get purer water. Reverse osmosis is mainly used by the beverage industry.

Cooling Tower Filtration Systems

Cooling tower water treatment is a method where water in cooling towers are filtered to remove sand, silt, rust, algae or chemical residue. If a business has a cooling tower, then a filtration system must be used to get clean water. Modern cooling towers are quire advanced and do not need to be manually cleaned.

How to Choose the Right Water Filteration System

Choosing the right system will depend on the type of water being filtered and the use of filtered water. If the water comes from a river or a similar source, it will have to be filtered to remove sand or sediment. Then come the applications for the filtered water. If the water is being used for industrial purposes, like construction, then only physical debris needs to be removed from the water. But if the water is being used for human consumption, then it will have to go through a filtration system to remove microbes as well.

The best filtration system for your business will depend on what the water is being used for. It’s quite important to do the research so the buyer knows what they are getting. As there are a large number of filtration systems, it’s important to look at the specifications to determine what’s good and what’s not. For example, filters with multiple cartridges are better at cleaning water than filters with single cartridges. The micron rating is also worth paying attention to as well. A high micron rating means large particles can pass through the water. The lower the micron rating, the less permeable the filter will be.

Before purchasing a system, go to the website of the seller to read about the system and learn about all the specifications.

Ensuring Eco-Friendliness

Generally speaking, filtration systems with chemicals are not environmentally friendly. Chemicals cannot be destroyed once the filtration is done. So, they may enter the bodies of the people consuming the water, and later, will enter soil. Certain chemicals, like chloramine, must be removed from filtered water before the water is ready for human consumption. So, chemical filtration systems may pose more problems and cost more than necessary. However, certain cooling tower chemical treatment may be necessary depending on the industry.

Water filtration systems providers are now coming up with ways to ensure that filtration is as environmentally friendly as much as possible. For example, companies can now choose UET processing methods to remove physical debris from water. UV treatment is also an excellent chemical-free method for purifying water. Filtration systems like reverse osmosis that requires only pressure and no chemicals are worth considering before opting for a harsh chemical treatment method.

It’s highly recommended to consult with the filtration system provider regarding which systems are most environmentally friendly. Some will definitely suggest the best green systems to suit the needs of the business.

Image credit: priyanka

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About Rinkesh

A true environmentalist by heart ❤️. Founded Conserve Energy Future with the sole motto of providing helpful information related to our rapidly depleting environment. Unless you strongly believe in Elon Musk‘s idea of making Mars as another habitable planet, do remember that there really is no 'Planet B' in this whole universe.