Have you been struggling to keep your house clutter-free?
Well, you’re not alone!
In a recent survey published by Book Cleango, up to 54% of Americans already feel overwhelmed with clutter filling up their spaces.
And let’s be honest — we all struggle with this problem… at least at some point! In fact, no matter how hard we declutter our homes, clutter always has a way of sneaking back into our spaces.
In this article, we’ll reveal some of the 17 most common things notorious for making your house look cluttered.
So, let’s get started!
17 Items Making Your Space Feel Cluttered
Before we dig into some of the stuff making your space feel cluttered, let’s take a minute to understand what exactly ‘clutter’ means.
Clutter in simplest of terms, is anything that occupies unnecessary space in our homes. It can be an item we don’t use often or one with no fixed storage spot. Over time, these items accumulate and make our spaces look messy and chaotic.
Now, let’s dive into some of the most common things that contribute to making your house feel cluttered:
1. Lots of Pictures
Pictures are a great way to keep memories of our best moments and loved ones. They allow us to time-travel back to our happy moments or moments that we wish could come back — and who wouldn’t relish having such superpower!
But then, do you realize how much these pics can turn your space into an eyesore? That’s right. Hanging too many pictures of the wall steals away the breathing space that your walls have and, make it look busier.
So, as you declutter your home, try removing any pics that are not serving a purpose or adding any value to your space.
Only keep a few, if at all you have to, of what you love and will bring a smile to your face every time you see them. As for the rest, you can transfer them to a photo album or even better, digitalize them.
2. Decorative Items
Imagine Christmas without snake lights or the Christmas tree? It would be boring, right?
Decorative items play a crucial part in setting the ideal mood and ambiance for any occasion, be it Christmas or house parties.
But what do you do with those decorative items once the occasion is over? Leave them hanging on the wall or standing by the corner, right?
If that’s what has been happening, that’s where you’re messing it big.
Decorative items can make our spaces feel too small. Hence, once any occasion is over, don’t let them linger on your space.
They’ve served their purpose, so get rid of the disposables and pack up the rest and store them away awaiting the next occasion. Doing this will leave your space looking neat without gasping for a breath.
3. Old Magazines and Newspapers
If you’re a newspaper or magazine enthusiast, you’ll affirm that every copy that comes our way always have some funny story that we’d love to read over and over again.
And what does that mean? That we keep growing the stack of old newspapers and magazines.
But guess what? Growing this pile will only harm the aesthetics of your space. And just so you know, this pile grows too fast, especially if you’re an avid reader, that we’re more often discouraged to go back and read these old stories anyway.
So, as part of your decluttering, don’t spare those old copies of newspapers or magazines. You’d rather get a digital subscription or take a snap of the stories you really want to keep.
4. Too Many Books
In the current world where we need a constant upgrading of knowledge and skills, having a library collection sounds like a plan.
But what happens to those books that you read and found boring, or the ones you’ve never read and aren’t planning to, anyway? How about the ones containing outdated information?
As much as books are a treasure trove of knowledge, holding onto too many of them can be one of the reasons your face feels cluttered.
So, often revisit your book collection, removing the ones that you no longer need. You can donate them to charities or give them to friends who would appreciate them. Giving out leaves you more satisfied and your space free.
You can even cash in on them, thanks to platforms like Decluttr, Powell’s Books, Abe Books, and other platforms that buy back books.
5. Excess Furniture
Furniture is an essential element of any home. But do you realize that having too little or too much of it can impact the feel of our space?
That’s true. Excess furniture won’t just swallow up your space, it can also make navigating your room difficult and possibly cause accidents (ever stubbed your toe on a chair? Ouch!).
In other words, in your decluttering efforts, take a look at all your furniture pieces and ask yourself if they are all necessary. If not, consider donating or selling the extra ones to create more space and improve the flow in your home.
6. Unused Kitchen Appliances
Kitchen appliances are a must-have for every homeowner. They make our cooking smooth and the moments spent in the kitchen remarkable.
But let’s face it — we often equip our kitchens with more than what we actually need in our day to day culinary endeavors!
That ice cream maker you got on sale last year? Or that bread machine that sounded like a good idea at the time? Chances are, they’re just taking up valuable counter or cabinet space.
Instead of holding onto these appliances out where they can add to your cluttered kitchen, how about storing them away until you really need them. This will free up space in your kitchen and make it look more organized and spacious.

7. Unworn Clothes
If you’re ever updating your closet, then congratulations! But let me ask you a sincere question, just how many of your clothes that you haven’t worn in over a year are still hanging in there?
If the answer is many, then You’re not alone. Many people struggle with holding onto clothes they no longer wear, either because of sentimental value or just in case they might need them someday.
But the truth is, these unworn clothes are taking up precious space in your closet and making it look cluttered.
Take some time to go through your wardrobe. Get rid of anything that no longer fits, is damaged or hasn’t been worn in over a year. Ensure to be ruthless when doing this. It will make room for new pieces and allow you to see and access your clothes more easily.
If you can, switch to a capsule wardrobe, where you have a selected number of versatile pieces that can easily be mixed and matched. This will reduce your clothing clutter even further.
8. Excessive Decorations on Surfaces
Decorating surfaces such as tables, counters, and shelves is a great way to add personality and style to any room. However, too many accessories can make these surfaces look cluttered and overwhelming.
So, as you get rid of your Christmas decorations, don’t leave away any decorative items on your table. This will create a more cohesive look and make the space feel less chaotic.
9. Broken or Unused Electronics
Who doesn’t have an electronic item that has sent them to repair shops several times that they just got tired and let it be?
How about the phone or laptop that broke down but didn’t take it to the repair shop simply because you were already planning to upgrade when that happened? Remember the power guzzler of a TV you initially had before upgrading to a more energy-efficient model?
These broken or unused electronics are not only taking up space, but they also contribute to the cluttered look of your home. Take the time to either fix them or dispose of them properly, freeing up room and creating a more organized space.
10. Laundry Not Put Away
Laundry is a never-ending task, and it’s easy to let it pile up on the floor or in baskets. However, leaving clean laundry out can make your space look messy and unorganized.
Make it a habit to put away your laundry as soon as it’s done. This will not only save you time in the long run but also keep your space looking neat and clutter-free.
11. Paperwork
Paperwork and mail can easily pile up on counters or desks, contributing to the clutter in your home. Make it a habit to sort through your paperwork as soon as you receive it and discard any unnecessary items.
Invest in a filing system or scan important documents onto your computer to minimize paper clutter. This will not only save space but also keep important information organized and easily accessible.
12. Toys
If you have children, then you know how easily their toys can take over your home. Toys are among our kid’s best companions, but having too many of them can make your space look cluttered and overwhelming.
Consider decluttering your children’s toys by donating or storing away ones that are rarely played with. This will not only create more space in your home but also teach them the value of simplicity and organization.
13. Fridge Door Junk
Whoever invented fridge magnets was a genius, but let’s be real – too many magnets and photos on your fridge door can lead to clutter.
Take some time to declutter your fridge by removing unnecessary items and finding a designated spot for important papers or reminders. This will not only create more visual space but also make it easier to find what you need.
Alternatively, instead of having to leave that note stuck on your fridge door by a magnet, how about you have a small notice board to jot down all your important notes and reminders? This will keep your fridge door clean and clutter-free.
14. Unmade Bed
What do you do first when you wake up? Make your bed or leave it unmade? While it may seem like a small task, making your bed can make a big difference in how organized and put together your bedroom looks.
Take the extra few minutes in the morning to make your bed for a more visually appealing and tidy space. This simple habit can set the tone for an organized day ahead.
15. Junk Drawer
We all have that one drawer or cabinet where we throw miscellaneous items that don’t have a designated spot. But this junk drawer can quickly become overwhelming and contribute to clutter in your home.
Ensure that you regularly go through this drawer and discard any unnecessary items. Consider investing in organizers to keep this space more organized and prevent it from becoming a catch-all for junk.
16. Donation Items
Do you have a big heart and find yourself constantly donating items? While this is a great habit, it’s important to make sure you’re not just shifting the clutter from your home to your donation pile.
Take some time to assess what items are truly necessary and useful before adding them to your donation pile. This will not only prevent unnecessary clutter in your home but also ensure that donated items are actually beneficial to those in need.
17. Inadequate Light
The last item is an intangible one, unlike the physical clutter we’ve discussed so far. But inadequate lighting can make a space feel dark and cramped, contributing to an overall cluttered appearance.
Make sure your home has adequate lighting by adding lamps or increasing natural light through windows. This will improve your space’s visibility and create a more open and airy atmosphere.
Clutter can easily accumulate in our homes, making them feel chaotic and overwhelming. By tackling these 17 common sources of clutter, you can create a more organized and visually appealing living space. Remember, decluttering is an ongoing process, so make it a habit to regularly assess your belongings and get rid of anything that no longer serves a purpose. Your home will thank you for it.