Is your party or outdoor fun-time complete without a Bunch o Balloons? These colorful pieces create an attractive atmosphere that children cherish. Even better, you don’t need to do the work yourself – Bunch o Balloons has you covered by providing an electric party pump, nozzles, and a helium tank adapter.
Essentially, you have all your need to brighten up any party, but is this an environmentally sustainable option? Are Bunch o Balloons biodegradable? What role does this brand of entertainment play in the environment, and how can we improve the areas that need change?
These are areas we will dive into in this article. You may also read on to find out how to dispose of the balloons after use.
Are Bunch o Balloons Biodegradable?
Yes, Bunch o Balloons are biodegradable. They are made from natural rubber, which biodegrades. Typically, untreated rubber will break down in six months to four years. In contrast, one that has been chemically altered will take several years to decades.
Latex is a by-product of plants. It is a natural option used for various applications – mattresses, tires, sofas, and pillows. Balloons are also commonly made from latex, but there are two types.
Bunch o Balloons provide products made of natural rubber; it may not break down immediately, but it will decompose. Compared to plastic alternatives, this is a better option.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, companies are producing commodities and claiming they are sustainable and may have found a way to bypass the Green Guides.
The story is that a manufacturer may perceive the sustainability movement as an avenue to promote marketing almost free of charge because the green trend is here to stay.
Therefore, to prevent shady brands from cheating the system of tests and protocols, the FTC stipulates that a biodegradable item should break down in less than five years.
In this case, Bunch o Balloons will break down before that time frame because that is how it works with natural latex. On the other hand, your other favorite water balloon brand may be unable to break down within five years because of the material it is made from.
Two types of latex exist. The first category is free of chemicals and additives that complicate biodegradation. This is also called 100 percent natural latex, made from latex and nothing else.
On the other hand, the synthetic type of latex either has 85 percent latex and 15 percent synthetic latex or 20 percent natural rubber and 80 percent synthetic latex.
Judging from the different categories, it is easy to tell which is biodegradable and which isn’t.
Are Zuru Water Balloons Biodegradable?
Yes, Zuru water balloons are biodegradable. They are made from natural plant matter, an environmentally sustainable option. It decomposes within a short time. On the other hand, the balloon’s stem is made from plastic, which is not biodegradable but has a saving grace – you can recycle it countless times.
Zuru provides watery fun on a sunny day. The self-sealing balloons are often filled with oxygen or water; you can do it within seconds!
However, it has become even more important also to consider the activities we do for fun and how they can affect the environment. For several decades, there have been complaints about how balloons destroy the ecosystem, choking and poisoning animals, releasing toxic fumes, and sticking around forever, creating a poisonous cycle after just a few fun moments.
The trend of releasing hundreds if not thousands of balloons into the atmosphere during celebrations is not the best for the environment, and there are active legislations to control it.
Now, Zuru water balloons have been designed especially with regard to the environment. The water balloons are made from plant latex to be more concise. This means they will break down within the shortest time, often a month to less than 5 years.
On the other hand, the stems are made of recycled plastic, which is a sustainable option. However, the downside is that plastic is not biodegradable, but you can recycle it.
Are Zuru water balloons biodegradable? Yes, they break down fast, but not every part can be decomposed by microbes. Therefore, your best bet is to remove the plastic portion before releasing the water balloons into the atmosphere.
How Long Does it Take for Biodegradable Balloons to Decompose?
Biodegradable balloons will break down within a month to five years. If it is longer than five years, then you may not be dealing with a biodegradable brand. Environmental protection agencies like the FTC mandate that biodegradable balloon brands only identify as biodegradable balloons when their product breaks down within five years.
So, the ideal biodegradable balloon should decompose in a year to 5. If it does not break down within that timeframe, the biodegradable balloon brand may only be trying to game the system.
For biodegradation to occur, the microbes in the area must be interested in the food source. They will only build colonies on items that provide nutrients so that they can grow.
And unfortunately, synthetic latex is not an attractive source of nutrients because the material has been diluted. Microbes will have challenges breaking it down and will therefore avoid it. This explains why plastics and other highly synthetic materials don’t decompose fast.
But made from pure latex, the balloons will offer microbes substantial nutrients which will encourage the development or spread of colonies. Before you know it, an utter breakdown will occur.
However, the more diluted the latex is, the slower the decomposition process. This is because the chemicals and other additives are more vital than natural latex and may not even be biodegradable.
A biodegradable balloon should have broken down entirely within four to five years.

Are Bunch o Balloons Recyclable?
Yes, Bunch o Balloons are recyclable. Latex is recyclable, and that is what Bunch o Balloons are made of. To recycle them, Terracycle can be your guide. You can use their information to find the nearest recycling center.
Bunch o Balloons are recyclable because they are made from latex. Latex is biodegradable when it has not been diluted with chemicals or non-biodegradable substances.
You can also inquire whether your recycling center accepts latex waste products.
But even if you don’t recycle your Bunch o Balloons, they are biodegradable, so they will not stick around for several decades, unlike plastic waste.
Let’s not forget to mention the stems made from recycled plastic. You can also recycle them, but it is best to make inquiries at your local recycling center first.
The packaging that the Bunch o Balloons come in can also be recycled because it is plastic waste. Put it in the blue bin.
Are Bunch o Balloons Reusable?
It depends; you may be able to reuse Bunch o Balloons, but chances are they will burst before you get can. Water balloon fights or activities are interesting but leave no casualties, water-balloon-wise. In contrast, the ones floating in the air may come back down, but even they may get poked and explode.
Can you reuse Bunch o Balloons? The answer is yes if you can find wholesome ones. They can be refilled with air or water just as quickly as you filled the first batch.
However, there will be little to no surviving balloon after a water battle.
But you know what else you can do? Buy biodegradable water balloons and refill them with your Bunch o Balloons equipment.
You would need some loom bands; let the number correspond with the number of balloons you want to refill. Attach them to the plastic stems and connect them to the water source.
The balloons will start to fill up but will not easily slip off the stem. If you have wrapped the loom band too tightly, you must use your hands to remove the balloons from the stem.
Like that, you have reused your bunch o balloon stems, cutting back on your consumption and saving money—way to go.
Are Bunch o Balloons Latex Free?
No, Bunch o Balloons are not latex free. They are made from latex; it is their plant-based source. Latex is the best sustainable and environmentally friendly material for manufacturing such items. This is because it grows fast, decomposes fast under the right conditions, and can also be recycled.
Bunch o Balloons are not latex free. If you want latex-free options because of allergies, you can try brands that especially design products with this condition in mind.
There are different types of balloons that are not made from latex. There are mylar foil and vinyl balloons; you can buy those if you have a latex allergy.
Bunch o Balloons contains latex, the primary material used in manufacturing. Latex is the ideal resource because it is the most biodegradable option compared to mylar and vinyl.
Mylar and Vinyl are not suitable for the environment because they don’t decompose. Both types of plastic become microplastics after several decades of decomposing and leaking harmful chemicals into the ecosystem.
In contrast, latex will break down naturally without releasing any harmful substance. In cases where it has been reinforced and is not even classified as biodegradable, latex will still break down. Of course, it would take a more extended period, up to forty years, but it will not escape biodegradation.
How to Dispose of Bunch o Balloons?
To dispose of Bunch o Balloons, your options include recycling and composting. Latex is recyclable, which means it can be melted to produce a new set of balloons. You can also compost it because it is made from plant matter.
Start by inquiring at your local recycling center if you don’t know how to recycle latex balloons. They will let you know if they can recycle that material, and if they cannot, try Terracycle.
Alternatively, you can gather the pieces and bury them in a compost pile or some part of your garden. Since they are made from latex, they will decompose within five years.
The stems can be recycled even though they are not compostable. However, we recommend using them repeatedly since they exist to fill the balloons within a short time.
Moreover, when you are ready to dispose of it, ensure it goes into the blue bin. It is made from recycled plastic and can be recycled again and again.
It is essential to seek the most environmentally friendly method of disposing of your latex waste, mainly because we are dealing with balloons. Bunch o Balloons may be biodegradable, but even the waste material can cause some havoc to the ecosystem before it breaks down.
Some of the dangers have been explored in this blog post, which is why you must prioritize proper and environmentally conscious disposal. Don’t leave the balloons behind after a water fight; gather the pieces and dispose of them appropriately.